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u-boat replica watches's motto is "Art of Fusion", which is what drove the watch company from its inception with the pairing of rubber and gold. This single principle has brought great success to the company. The brand's first major change came in 2004 when Jean-Claude Biver, the legendary watchmaker, became the CEO. Biver, a genius in the watch industry and a savior for watch brands, created a new collection and its flagship model, the Big Bang Chronograph. He was the catalyst that made the brand what it is today. If you ask Mr Biver which watch he will be keeping for the rest of their lives,Swiss Replica Watches he will tell you that it is the u-boat replica watches Bigger Bang Tourbillon watch prototype. It was his first success and it would be the watch that would guide u-boat replica watches, and eventually lead to the entire collection of u-boat replica watches watches. He says it's the watch that has brought him the most success in the industry, and one he will never part with.

His direction was the catalyst for u-boat replica watches's "Art of Fusion", which would become u-boat replica watches’s future. It would be the intersection point of many materials, such as rubber, carbon, carbon, and titanium.

Innovative Materials

u-boat replica watches's breakthroughs in high-tech materials began in 2010, when it acquired BNB Concept and Mathias Buttet as its founder. Mathias was named Director of Research and Development at u-boat replica watches and was given enormous resources to begin experimenting with materials. The u-boat replica watches R&D office, also known as "Confrerie Horlogere u-boat replica watches", is more like a laboratory than an actual department within a watch manufacturer. It is often called the F1 team in watchmaking. This team consists of 30 watchmakers, designers engineers and micro-chemistry technicians. They are headed by Mathias Buttet, u-boat replica watches's CEO.

Ricardo Guadalupe is the CEO of u-boat replica watches

Mathias Buttet is the Director of Research and Development for u-boat replica watches

Buttet and his team introduced the "Magic Gold", an unbreakable, "fused" 18K-gold alloy. It was created by injecting gold in porous ceramic. Although it sounds simple, Buttet says that it is not easy. "It's not technology you can just deliver in a production and tell people to push a button and it will work.audemars piguet replica watches It's a small window that allows us to get through a small door lock.

u-boat replica watches Big Bang Unico Magic Gold is a special fused-gold alloy created by injecting gold into porous clay.

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